Increasing our addressable opportunity within the growing precision medicine market

The total precision medicine sector is estimated to grow at 11.5% CAGR between 2021-2030 to a value of c. US$175.6 bn, driven by the increasing number of precision medicines being brought to market.1

Market estimations conducted in 2022 showed 192 precision medicine therapies available to patients, with 80 of these being oncology related and the remaining 112 falling within other sectors of the market.2

The number of precision medicine therapies receiving FDA approval has been steadily increasing over the last 8 years; starting at 15% of total FDA drug approvals in 2018, and according to the Personalized Medicine Coalition, rising to 34-35% last year.3

These numbers clearly show that the precision medicine pipeline is robust, with the total number of approvals projected to increase further in the coming years. Within this pipeline, Diaceutics estimates that 2,141 precision medicine trials currently exist for oncology, with another 3,056 trials taking place outside the oncology sector. As these trials come to fruition, it is more than possible that over 1,000 new precision medicines (including both new indications and new chemical entities) will come to market over the period to 2030.

Diaceutics is ideally positioned to leverage its existing position as a trusted partner to pharma launching therapies, to scale alongside the wider market, as pharma seeks to address the circa $3bn of lifetime precision medicine revenues lost due to inadequate testing and bring its therapies to market more effectively.4

Diaceutics estimates that, on average, the pharma sector allocates a commercialisation budget of US$ 10-15m per therapy brand. Through its current range of offerings, Diaceutics has the ability to service up to $3m of that spend per year, per therapy brand.

Over the next 3-5 years Diaceutics will increase its total addressable market opportunity through:

Diseases: Expanding outside oncology into other disease areas
Products: Increasing its number of products, for example Engagement Solutions
Customers: Expanding its customer base to biotech, life science companies and payers
Enterprise: Further enterprise engagements with pharma
Geographies: Expansion in Europe and APAC
Lifecycle: Expanding into pre-launch clinical trials of precision medicine and established ‘in-market’ drugs pivoting to precision applications
Substitution: Replacing established commercialisation spend with Diaceutics’ solutions

As the sector scales, Diaceutics forecasts that the total addressable market opportunity for the Group will increase to approximately US$3bn by 2030, from circa US$0.25bn in 2021.

Precedence Research: Precision Medicine Market Size, Share, Report 2022 to 2030, April 2023. The 192 precision medicine therapies available to patients, with 80 being oncology related and the remaining 112 non-oncology, is based on in-house analysis on data obtained from US FDA: Table of Pharmacogenetic Associations and Bioanalysis Zone: Companion diagnostics and precision medicine: an expert overview. March 2023. 3 Personalized Medicine Coalition: A Strategic Plan for Advancing Personalized Medicine in 2023. March 2023. Axis for change series 3/3. Precision Medicine Readiness Report: Unlocking the power of the diagnostic pathway. March 2023.

Significant & Growing Market Opportunity

The global pharma industry is rapidly shifting towards precision medicine, a field dedicated to tailoring medical treatment to the individual characteristics of each patient. This shift presents a substantial and growing market opportunity. As pharma companies aim to identify more patients who can benefit from targeted therapies, they capture previously lost revenue and increase profitability.

Investing in Diaceutics, a company at the forefront of this movement positions you to capitalize on this transformative trend.

Financial Strength

Diaceutics boasts strong financial fundamentals, ensuring a secure and profitable investment:

High Margins:  We maintain robust profit margins, ensuring financial health and growth.
Recurring Revenue:  Our business model generates recurring revenue, providing visibility and stability in our order book.
Blue-Chip Customers: Our client base includes some of the most reputable companies in the industry, underscoring our reliability and market acceptance.
Consistent Growth: With a three-year revenue Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 23%, our growth trajectory is clear and impressive.
Self-Funded Growth Plans: We are fully self-funded, allowing us to execute our growth strategies without the need for external capital.
Enterprise-Wide Deals: Our focus on large-scale deals across enterprises is set to drive significant momentum and expansion.

Strong Competitive Advantage

We differentiate ourselves through three unique and powerful assets that provide a strong competitive edge:

Global Network of Labs: Our extensive network of labs spans the globe, ensuring wide-reaching capabilities and insights.
World’s Largest Repository of Healthcare Data: We have amassed the largest repository of healthcare data worldwide, giving us unparalleled analytical power.
DXRX Platform: Our DXRX platform is the world’s first diagnostic commercialization platform for precision medicine, integrating real-time data and facilitating seamless collaboration among stakeholders.

Demonstrable Track Record

Our expertise and performance in precision medicine and diagnostic commercialization speak volumes:

Precision Medicine Experts: We are leaders in the precision medicine field, with deep knowledge and innovative solutions.
Successful Execution and Growth: Our track record of successful execution and continuous growth underscores our capability to deliver results.
Trusted Partner: We are an embedded and trusted precision medicine partner to 17 of the top 20 global pharmaceutical companies, highlighting our reliability and industry standing.

Compelling Value Proposition

Our DXRX platform offers substantial value across the entire healthcare ecosystem:

For Pharma, Labs, Physicians & Patients: We provide significant benefits to all stakeholders involved in the precision medicine landscape.
Exceptional ROI: Our DXRX platform can deliver up to $100 in additional therapy revenue for every $1 invested, demonstrating a powerful return on investment.
Value Throughout the Drug Life-Cycle: From development to post-market, our platform adds value at every stage of the drug life-cycle, ensuring sustained benefits and efficiencies.

Investing in Diaceutics means aligning with a company that is not only driving innovation in a rapidly expanding market but also delivering substantial financial returns and societal benefits. Join us in revolutionizing precision medicine and reaping the rewards of this groundbreaking field.


First to Market

DXRX is a unique diagnostics commercialisation platform for Precision medicine that addresses the issues. 

It allows stakeholders in the Precision Medicine diagnostics market to collaborate and shape the marketplace, in real time.  It reduces the diagnostic hurdles ensuring that laboratories globally are test ready for each new Precision Medicine at launch. This significantly increases pharma’s Return on Investment on developing new drugs.

Ultimately, we help physicians deliver the right medicine to each individual patient in relation to their own personal pathology.


The world’s richest repository of real-world diagnostic testing data

Through the delivery of our consulting services to overcome the hurdles to successful Precision Medicine diagnostics, we have gathered the world’s largest repository of real-world testing data and developed unique insights into the successful commercialisation of Precision Medicine diagnostics, to create a comprehensive and unique offering, accessible via the subscription model.

The more projects we complete the more exhaust data we have to differentiate our platform and generate revenue.

Diaceutics PLC

Nick Roberts
Chief Financial Officer

Nominated adviser and broker

Stifel Nicolaus Europe Limited
150 Cheapside

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Caroline Forde

Kieran Breheny